ProPhilanthropy Beneficiary

Marco Antonio C – Business Administration (Bolivia)

Marco dreams of becoming a business administrator. Marco is currently attending the Universidad Franz Tomayo, working towards his degree in business administration. Without a loan Marco is unsure how he will be able to continue affording his education. He shares that his alternative would be to take time off from school to work and save money until he could return. Marco shares that it is important to him to graduate on time so he can enter into the job market as soon as possible. With a $948 loan, Marco plans on using the funds to pay his graduation fee. This fee is often more expensive than the semester’s tuition and is a frequent impediment for graduating students in El Alto. With a degree in business administration he expects to earn $13 a day. With one younger brother, Marco hopes to be a role model for his younger siblings by being the first in his family to graduate from university. Marco’s father’s salary from his job as a electrician is the family’s primary source of income.