ProPhilanthropy Beneficiary

Kelvin I – Agriculture (San Carlos, Morazan, El Salvador)

Kelvin has decided to apply for a new loan because he has more opportunities in his work. He plans to buy a cow with a calf and sell more milk. This will also help him increase the size of his herd.

In Kelvin’s experience the loans have been very satisfactory because he has been able to continue working with cattle and do well. He and his family are economically stable. He recently bought a motorcycle so he could travel around.

From previous loan: Kelvin has decided on a new loan to buy cattle feed like ‘harinilla” and ground grass because during this time of year grasses are dry and this purchase will give him what he needs to feed his cattle. He states that he was able to use the previous loan to plant corn and that his family is stable with no inconvenience affecting them.

Kelvin lives with his parents in San Carlos, in Morazán department. He is a farmer. He grows corn and watermelons, and also sells milk. Kelvin is currently requesting a loan to buy pigs and to sow corn. With this loan he will be able to buy pigs and also the supplies he needs to grow his crops such as manure and fertilizer. Kelvin’s goal is to work hard to help his parents since they are his company and they depend on him.

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