ProPhilanthropy Beneficiary

Tijani I – Teaching (Winneba, Ghana)

Tijani has always dreamt of becoming a construction teacher. Tijani was accepted into the University Education Winneba and now with the chance to achieve his dream is concerned about affording tuition fees. Without a loan Tijani is unsure how he will be able to continue affording his education. He shares that his alternative would be to take time off from school to work and save money until he could return. Tijani thinks that it is important to him to graduate on time so he can enter into the job market as soon as possible. With a $779 loan, Tijani plans on using the loan to pay for his tuition. In addition to his responsibilities at school, Tijani currently works 35 hours a week and earns $14 a day, but as a teacher he would expect to earn $35 a day, a substantial increase from before. Unfortunately, Tijani’s parents never had the opportunity to complete their high school education. Without the opportunity for a higher degree, his parents never had the chance to move up. Growing up, finances have always been tight. With two younger brothers and one younger sister, Tijani hopes to be a role model for his younger siblings by being the first in his family to graduate from university.