ProPhilanthropy Beneficiary

Sitha C – Farming (Batambang Province, Cambodia)

Sitha is 38 years old and married with four children, aged between 16 and 5 years old. All of them are enrolled at school. They live in the Battambang province, where he farms dry season rice in around one hectare that can produce around three tons of rice. In addition, he has another plot of land of around one hectare in which he farms wet season rice, which can produce around two tons. He sells his rice crops to a local trader who buys directly from his village.

e sought a loan to assist with ploughing costs, as well as improved quality seeds, fertilizers and other supplies to improve his crops.

The loan is being provided through the Cambodian Community Savings Federation (CCSF), which supports microentrepreneurs engaged in small-scale commerce and trade as well as agricultural and livestock production.

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