ProPhilanthropy Beneficiary

Unión Progreso Group – Retail (Huarochiri, Peru)

The group “Unión Progreso” (Progress Union) consists of 12 enthusiastic members. Maria Felicita is one of the members. She is married and has 5 children, of whom she continues to support one. Maria Felicita sells school supplies, since she has a bookstore in her home. This business is the result of her effort, and, with much work, it has been improving more every day. She used her last loan to buy school supplies such as notebooks, pencils, folders, and markers. To continue setting up her business is her greatest desire. Maria Felicita is the third from the left side. She is wearing a black jacket and blue pants. The group Unión Progreso appreciates the loan offered, since it makes their progress possible

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